Accredited supplier of University of Bologna (DIEM) through my company and
collaborating with Maha Fluid Power Research Center (Purdue University, West
Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.).
I had been the teacher at Samp Ingranaggi of a training course for technical
staff on the theory, practice and metrology gear, being paied by IAL
(IAL is an italian istitutional agency for the professional training.
Accademic referents
- Prof. Andrea Vacca – Purdue-MAHA
- Dott.ssa Eleonora Carletti – Director of the Institute IMAMOTER of italian CNR
(National Research Council)for the Agricultural and earth-moving machines
technicians or managers – operational referents - Ing. Bruno Bertagna – plant manager TRW automotive pumps
- Ing. Mario Lodi – ex technical manager of Brevini Power Transmission
- Phd. Ing. Marco Zecchi technical manager of Turolla – Danfoss